Whilst adding detail to a warehouse in my section of Paving the Way I came to a particular situation that I’d just normaly whack in a light-spot, turn up the values until it lit the area well enough and then move on. Today though I decided to experiment and see what I could actually do with my knowledge of lighting in source. Here are some of the scenarios, I started with just a single light entity.

Just a plain 'light' entity used, placed a few units infront of the glass of the model with 200 brightness and a slightly off-white colour.

A 'light' entity with a blocklight brush just above it simulating the top part of the model that would block light going above it.
The light on its own didn’t produce that bad a result, certainly a lot better than the light_spot did. Even if I’d attempted turning up the light_spot’s brightness I still feel the area above the light model wouldn’t recieve enough light to look realistic. I found that the blocklight actually produced the best result with minimal effort, this whole excercise probably took me only 20 minutes including taking pictures.
You can see in the first image that a little bit of the light is blocked above the lamp by the model but the real point of this post is to illustrate how simple the blocklight toolbrush can be to use, just a quick wedge and a more realistic amount of light is blocked without it being way too dark.
Tags: blocklight, Lights, Paving the way
wow thank you! great post!, greetings from Chile!
Very interesting, nice post. But you made a typo and wrote ‘blockbullets texture’ instead of blocklight.
Ees good none the less 🙂
I’ve never used the blocklight texture before. I didn’t realize it had such a practical use before. Thanks for another good post YM!
[…] Article initialement écrit et images réalisées par Timothy ‘YM’ Johnson et disponible dans sa version original sur Nodraw.net. […]